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Fitness - Summary, Advantages & More

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely weekend so far. Having a good’n myself! We had a karaoke night at work on Friday night so I was feeling a little on the rough side on Saturday morning but it was a great night. So with having had a drink or two (or three!) on Friday night it was important for me to try get back in to it and try get the gym again this morning. So Jamie and I set off around 9 am to make a 10.15 am Boxercise session at the Williamstown Gym.


So yes, I started going to Boxercise classes. My first class was two weeks ago and it was by a long shot one of THE most difficult classes I was ever at. OH. MY. GOD!

I’ve been to three classes to date and I absolutely love it. Even by the second class I felt the improvement. Just to give you an idea how tough it was, we started the classes with skipping, then the boxing session, and at the end we had to do the plank and sits ups and I tell you, my body was having none of this ‘sit up’ challenge. I actually couldn't even do one. I know I don’t do them normally however I would’ve thought I could manage one at least, but I swear, I felt my stomach was going to cave! I love it but it is extreeeemely challenging!



So yes, the past few Sunday mornings have been challenging, not so much having to get up (would you believe) rather the session itself.

As challenging as I have found going to the gym before I actually don’t find it as hard these days with having someone to go with. There’s a few girls at work and Jamie also sometimes comes along which is nice. So yes, as challenging as the classes can be I would have thought that having the strength to even go would be tough but I am finding it quite easy! (Ah hope I haven’t said that too soon!)


I’ll be honest I have been keeping quite a close eye on my weight and I am delighted to have lost a full 2 kg already in under four weeks. That’s like 4.5 pounds which is super!


I am so happy with the classes I am attending at the moment, as mentioned above I go to the Boxercise on Sunday mornings and I am still going to the Reformer Pilates at lunchtime during the week. There are limited places available for the Pilates, with limited machines, so you need to book these 24 hours in advance. Since I need to book them I would never (hopefully, never anyway) not attend these classes. They literally book out within 10 minutes too so I think the idea of not being able to go, when in fact I want to go, helps motivate me to book and in turn go to the class! I am going to a different class tomorrow called Spartan Strength which is a combination of utilising barbell and kettles with the aim of increasing strength and power. I’ll admit I am a little nervous but also quite excited.

Wish me luck! :*



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